Spring Break Travel: Breaking Down Spring Break

- Every 14 minutes someone loses, breaks, or sits on a pair of sunglasses.
- Breakups spike during spring break, known as the Spring Clean.
- Vacations are proven to lower your risk of heart disease.
- Phone chargers are the number one forgotten item on trips.
There are a few weeks in March that serve as the peak travel weeks for spring break getaways. In 2018, the peak weeks are Saturday, March 10 through Friday, March 16 or the following week of Saturday, March 17 through the weekend of March 24.
Through the years, stats surrounding spring break travel change and modify.
- 54% of people say they’re likely to go on a spring trip.
- 42% take a spring vacation every year.
- 1.5 million students participate annually.
- Over $1 Billion is the total amount spring breakers spend yearly.
- $1,100 is what the average college student spends on a week long trip.
What are the top destinations for spring break travelers?
- Beaches – 37.5% (Top Destination: South Florida)
- Big Cities – 16.8% (Top Destination: Las Vegas)
- Mountains – 10.7% (Top Destination: Colorado)
- Parks/Camping – 6.2% (Top Destination: Yellowstone)
- International – 6%
- Other – 22.9%
How do vacationers plan to travel for their spring break getaways?
- Drive – 48%
- Fly – 36.3%
- Boat/Cruise – 3.6%
- Train – 2.4%
- Other – 9.7%