Smiles for Miles: 10 Car-Themed Jokes

Hitting the open road can be freeing, until you’ve hit your 2-hour quota of eye spy with the kiddos. To help out, we’re sharing 10 of our favorite car-themed jokes to get everyone laughing and we all know time flies when you’re having fun!
- Q: What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars?
A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks
- Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck
- Q: Why do chicken coupes have 2 doors?
A: Because if they had 4 doors they’d be a chicken sedan
- Q: Why did the man put his car in the oven?
A: Because he wanted a hot rod!
- Q: What kind of car does a Jedi drive?
A: A Toy-Yoda
- Q: What is the most tired part of your car?
A: The exhaust pipe
- Q: Where did the witch park her vehicle?
A: In the broom closet
- Q: What has three letters and starts with gas?
A: A car
- Q: What did the traffic light say to the car?
A: “Don’t look, I’m changing!”
- Q: What kind of car does Mickey Mouse’s wife drive?
A: A Minnie van, of course
The next time you’re on a road trip, take some of these jokes our for a test drive, you’ll be sure to see nothing but smiles from the rear view mirror. Good luck and safe travels!